Dolley Madison

Dolley Payne Todd Madison was the wife of James Madison, President of the United States from 1809 to 1817. She was noted for her social graces, which boosted her husbands popularity as President. In this way, she did much to define the role of the Presidents spouse, known only much later by the title First Ladya function she had sometimes performed earlier for the widowed Thomas Jefferson.

The first girl in her family, Dolley Payne was born on May 20, 1768, in the Quaker settlement of New Garden, North Carolina, in Guilford County to Mary Coles Payne and John Payne Jr, both Virginians who had moved to North Carolina in 1765. Mary Coles, a Quaker, had married John Payne, a nonQuaker, in 1761. Three years later, he applied and was admitted to the Quaker Monthly Meeting in Hanover County, Virginia, where Coles parents lived, and they reared their children in the Quaker faith.

Source: Wikipedia